Tour day 48
Last day to ride before our trek to the beach. 90 miles and some climbing. Foggy when we left and in the 60s. Hurting from spill but able to ride. Bitter sweet knowing this is now coming to an end. 7 weeks of riding and the friendships made. Here is the itinerary and the weather.
We had 2 state crossings, New Hampshire, 13th and Massachusetts the 14th.
Was an interesting ride. Turkey in the road and one of the guys had a bear run by him. No picture of that. Covered bridge with some of my compatriots.
Here are a few more pictures of the ride.
So much beauty. Going to miss all of this. That night was our celebration banquet. Our accomplishments from our hard work going across the entire United States. That's my buddy Payton and our helmet hair. Had to have a Samuel Adam's from Boston
We all received awards for our endeavors. Some of those who achieved greatness.
This select group rode every single inch from the Pacific to the Atlantic. What an acheivement.
That is me and Hienz from Germany.
I was fortunate to have received the Spirit award at the end of our ceremony.
We all had the opportunity to say something about our adventure. I made so many friends on this trip and saw so much. We went through just about every kind of weather you can imagine. I will miss all of it including my bike failure. It's all part of crossing the United States. I am so glad I did this. Tomorrow is it. To the beach. Here is relive.
Sorry it has taken so long.
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