Tour day 29

Today was hill day. 148 hills in 75 miles. Rolling but it appeared there was more going up than down. Head wind also. Here is the weather and the itinerary to Kirksville Missouri.

I must admit there is not much to chat about or pictures. Had to keep hands on the handlebars going up and down those hills. Since there has been so much flooding we incurred a bridge closing. Tom of Crossroads came to the rescue. Instead of an alternative route of around 20 miles of more hills he asked a farmer for a ladder. We walked our bikes to the bridge portion that was washed out. Handed our bikes to Tom and climbed a ladder tp the deck of the bridge and continued on to out final destination. Check it out. 

Yield to on coming traffic. Right. Amazing how destructive water can be. Well we did the usual when we got to the hotel out of the heat in the mid 80s, humid and head wind. Shower, wash our bike cloths in the sink, dinner, get stuff ready for tomorrow and finish off with the blog. It's a short one. Uneventful other than the bridge.  Not complaining. Tomorrow is Quincy Illinois. Another 75 miles. Hope less hills and less headwind. We will see.  Here is relive to see the ride. 

Tomorrow its Illinois to cross the mighty Mississippi river. 2000 miles. Wow. Hope you enjoyed this. I sure did. The ride and the scenery.  


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